Inga est bien gestante
Actualité publié le 21/02/2018

Echographie du jour : Notre Inga est finalement bien gestante, elle cache ses petits bien profonds mais tout va bien, et on en a compté 4-5, colonnes déjà visibles, des petites pattes, des petits coeurs, ... RDV vers le 4 mars pour en savoir plus.
Echo done today, our Inga is finally well pregnant, she hides very well all her treasures, but everything is ok, we counted +/- 4-5 puppies, some columns, small feet, small hearts, ... RDV done for the 4th of March to know more.
Echo done today, our Inga is finally well pregnant, she hides very well all her treasures, but everything is ok, we counted +/- 4-5 puppies, some columns, small feet, small hearts, ... RDV done for the 4th of March to know more.