Actualité publié le 11/12/2014

Trop fière da la fantastique saison de FT, de DINO DU COLOMBIER DE BEL AIR, le papa de notre portée fin 2012 (HIKE x DINO et nous avons gardé le jeune LEYTON). Dino était déjà CHIT, et cette année fut SON année : de très nombreux classements tous à l'exc mais surtout 5 CACT, 4 RCACT, et le titre de CH A et il a continué sur le même tempo en Gibier Naturel : 3 CACT et 2 RCACT si j'ai bien tout compté. En principe, il termine donc aussi son Championnat sur GN.

Dino est donc triple champion de travail.
Toutes mes félicitations aux heureux propriétaires.

So proud of the fantastic Hunting Field Season of DINO DU COLOMBIER DE BEL AIR, the daddy of our litter Dec 2012 (HIKE x DINO and we have kept our youngster LEYTON), Dino was already International Field Champion (CHIT) and this year was HIS year : with talrous awards In Shooted Game : 5 CACT and 4 RCACT + many Exc + he has finished grandiously his French Autumn Field Championship and he has continued on the same way in Fields on Natural Game : 3 CACT and 2 RCACT + other awards + if I have well calculated, he can finish his Championship on Natural Game.

Dino has now 3 fields titles the International One, the Shooted one and the Natural One. Congrats to his happy and proud owners.

Dino est donc triple champion de travail.
Toutes mes félicitations aux heureux propriétaires.

So proud of the fantastic Hunting Field Season of DINO DU COLOMBIER DE BEL AIR, the daddy of our litter Dec 2012 (HIKE x DINO and we have kept our youngster LEYTON), Dino was already International Field Champion (CHIT) and this year was HIS year : with talrous awards In Shooted Game : 5 CACT and 4 RCACT + many Exc + he has finished grandiously his French Autumn Field Championship and he has continued on the same way in Fields on Natural Game : 3 CACT and 2 RCACT + other awards + if I have well calculated, he can finish his Championship on Natural Game.

Dino has now 3 fields titles the International One, the Shooted one and the Natural One. Congrats to his happy and proud owners.