disparition de Volta
Actualité publié le 23/11/2014

Mon coeur est triste aujourd'hui, je viens de recevoir une triste nouvelle des proprios de Volta, née le 22 Nov 1997. Volta s'est éteinte le 30 aout dernier et leur promenade d'hier lui était dédiée. Volta leur manque tellement. Elle s'est éteinte à un âge très respectable de 16 ans et 9 mois. Elle est la dernière de la portée a disparaître après Viatka, 14 ans, et Vaillant, 13 ans, pour tous les 3 un très bel âge pour des chiens de chasse.
my heart is in tears today. I just received a sad news from Volta's owner, born 22 Nov 1997. He learned me that yesterday their walk was dedicaced to their Volta, who died latest 30th of august, at 16 years and 9 months old. Volta missed them a lot. Volta was the latest of my very 1st litter between Twiggy and Uliss de l'Eau Blanche in 1997. the 1st chapter is now closed. Volta was soon 17 years old, Viatka, 14 and Vaillant 13 when they died at a wonderfull age for hunting dogs.

my heart is in tears today. I just received a sad news from Volta's owner, born 22 Nov 1997. He learned me that yesterday their walk was dedicaced to their Volta, who died latest 30th of august, at 16 years and 9 months old. Volta missed them a lot. Volta was the latest of my very 1st litter between Twiggy and Uliss de l'Eau Blanche in 1997. the 1st chapter is now closed. Volta was soon 17 years old, Viatka, 14 and Vaillant 13 when they died at a wonderfull age for hunting dogs.