Des brumes des bois

Des brumes des bois Braque de Weimar

Braque de Weimar

Kenzie réussit le CDX aux USA

Actualité publié le 29/05/2013




Kenzie dbdb a obtenu son CDX aux USA, Bravo Anne et Kenzie. ci-dessous une petite explication de ce qu'est le CDX.

Super great Bravooooo to Anne & Kenzie. You make me very proud of you

Our US export : KENZIE dbdb CDX TD NRD V NAVHDA NA Prize I (multi ch. Trailer on Natural Game, BCE, TST HIKE dbdb x Golo vom Zehnthof, born in Feb 2011) earned her Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) title this weekend. This was Anne & Kenzie's first attempt at the 'Open' level obedience classes and she qualified three times for three attempts. She even won the class on Friday.

Below is a simple expla
nation of what she had to do in the 'Open' class.

•Heel Free and Figure Eight – Off leash heeling and figure 8 without talking to the dog.
•Drop on Recall – leave dog across the ring. On the judges command call the dog to you, then drop the dog on judges signal, then call dog to you on judges signal.
•Retrieve on Flat - send dog for dumbbell retrieve.
•Retrieve Over High Jump - send dog for dumbbell retrieve over the high jump
•Broad Jump - send dog over broad jump and then they come to you without command
•Long Sit (3 minutes) – handlers leave dogs within 4ft of each other on a sit and leave the ring out of sight for 3 minutes
•Long Down (5 minutes) – handlers leave dogs within 4ft of each other on a down and leave the ring out of sight for 5 minutes.